While purchasing the best tennis racquets, a few factors are significantly necessary to know, whereas many minor factors will also affect your use. There are more than 20 brands to choose racquets from. They differ in size, length, frame stiffness, and many other things.
Before you test other materials of a racquet, know the types and ones you need.
In the types of tennis racquets article, we will go through the three most common types of racquets and hold a distinction between them so that you might able to consider the right one.
Asking about the class, they typically fall under one of the following:
Depending on the swing type of a player, i.e. slow & compact, moderate, or fast & full, you will categorize the racquets.
To narrow your options, let’s mention each category’s names and dive into their in-depth information.
1: Power Tennis Racquets
The racquet indeed suits its’ name. A player intending to hit the target with more power & depth by applying less effort uses this racquet. Game improving racquet holds the best meaning for this racquet.
Tennis isn’t a game of power only. The back story of applying the exact force is proper form, technique, method, and skill. A beginner is unknown to this fact as it requires time and experience. So, a power tennis suit beginner the best.
As the name goes, “game improvement,” a beginner will find this racquet user-friendly and develop their skillset.
Not only the beginner, who will found power racquet user friendly. Anyone male or female player generating less strength or any smaller player struggling with strength will eventually find the racquet useful.
Common characteristics:
- Oversized head: 105 (in)2 or 677.4 (cm)2 or more
- Extended length: 27 to 29 in
- Stiffer frame: 66 or greater
- Lightweight construction: 8 to 9.5 Oz
Oversized head:
A bigger sized head of a racquet stands for two reasons. The first reason is generating more power. With a bigger sized head, the racquet will have more “spring,” thus resulting in more power.
The second reason is – the more accuracy to hit the target. It is obvious to miss the mark for a beginner. A more significant area will increase the change to hit the ball, decreasing the chance to miss it. Thus, a beginner will improve confidence with every time they succeeded in hitting the ball.
A larger area will also have a more massive center of strings, where striking the target will result in an excellent performance and highest comfort.
Last but not least, the strings are separated in an oversized head, which helps generate the topspin more easily.
Extended length:
The length of a racquet also has something to do with the power. A player will indeed have more leverage while swinging with a longer racquet. Ultimately, the player will end up providing extra strength.
Racquets having 27 inches (68.58 cm) in length are of standard length. So, any racquet extending up to 29 inches in diameter is racquet of extended period approved by tennis rule.
Stiff frames:
Other standard features of power racquets are rigid frames. This property refers to the bending characteristics of the racquet while hitting the ball. It has a relation with the rating. With a higher score, the stiffness also increases.
A stiff frame will not flex much during hitting and allow the target to rebound more speedily with less effort.
Lightweight construction:
This property makes the racquet easy to maneuver. A light frame will impede the excess weight of the racquet head.
2: Control Tennis Racquets
Control tennis racquets are just the opposite to power racquets. The players, intending to hit the ball with less power for high accuracy, use this racquet.
As I said before, power racquets are for beginners who have the skill of the least level. Then you guessed it right. Control racquets are for experienced players who know the exact technique and expertise for providing the proper amount of power.
In other words, control racquets are for professional or seasoned players who own fast & full swings.
The advanced players and the intermediate players, trying hard to rein in the game can also benefit from the characteristics of this racquet.
Common character:
- Small head: 85-97 (in)2 or 548.4-625.8 (cm)2
- Standard length: 27 in or 68.58 cm
- Low – midrange flex: 50 to 70
- Heavier construction: 11.6 to 12.6 Oz
Small head:
Unlike power racquets, control racquets have small heads resulting in a low trampoline effect. Due to the low trampoline effect, the power generated is low as well.
A small head with a small surface area to hit with decreases a player’s edge for error. The player will also have a shrunk sweet spot, i.e., the center of the racquet.
In other words, the player who uses this racquet must be more accurate with the stroke.
Standard length:
The usual range of different types of tennis racquets is 27 inches (68.58 cm), so as, control racquet.
This length maintains the leverage level that is enough to hit the ball with pace. The player can have adequate maneuverability due to higher weights of standard length.
Flexible frames:
Control racquets are more flexible or less stiff. With every racquet bending due to ball hitting, absorption of energy takes place that results in less power generation.
People often guess the opposite, saying that the rebound of the racquet surface generates power. But the study proves that the ball doesn’t get a chance to absorb the energy of bounce. The target leaves the frame before the frame rebounds.
Heavier construction:
The construction materials are heavier in control racquet that serves a few functions like- control power, stability & shock reduction. I wouldn’t recommend the control racquet if you are new in this field. It might hurt you more than helps.
3: Tweener Racquet
Tweeter’s are like to stand somewhere between the power & control racquets. So, this one would be the best choice for a balance between a player’s power & control.
If you want something versatile and inexpensive, then tweener would offer you a mix of power & control over the racquet and help to upgrade as well.
Common features:
- Mid-sized head: 98 to 104 (in)2 or 632.3 to 671.0 (cm)2
- Standard length: 27 in or 68.58 cm
- Mid-range stiffness: 61 to 70
- Mid-range weight: 9.6 to 11.5 Oz
4: Modern Player’s Racquets
Other than those popular tennis racquets, there is one more type that has been evolved in the new modern age, preferring both the benefits of power and control racquets.
These modern racquets have standard length and bulky in size, but they have higher stiffness along with the slightly larger sized head. Modern player’s racquet possesses high power with spin potential by combining all the pros of control and power racquet
The tennis racquets can be more modified according to users’ needs. But the discussed ones are the most common types of tennis racquets. The modified racquets will also share the features of these popular racquets along with new features.
I hope the article has provided the basics that you need to buy a racquet.